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ZNN Turns 6 Months Old!

Amazing artwork, as usual, by Quirky-Middle-Child and Sendrax! And the video effects and banner is by Danny Grey! You know what an awesome feeling is?  Coming home from a long day at work, and celebrating something great!  Seriously, 6 Months??? […]

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Art of the Day #58

ZOOTPIA2 by rakusumomo Source [1] Ever used a navigation system? Looks like Nick doesn’t need a navigation system when he is driving with Judy and a map. Get your art after the break! Zootopia: Little Nick And Judy by TheBigFourLover1234 […]

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Story: The Fallen Chronicles

by Jacato [Suspense] [Hurt/Comfort][Zystopia] If I were to be quite honest with you all, I’ve never really enjoyed the whole “Zistopia” idea. However, I believe this fanfict has turned me around on that subject. “Fallen” follows Nick Wilde as he […]

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Story Post: Zootopia – Blurring Lines

[Romance][Adventure] An intriguing story that combines WildeHopps romance with a rather bleak conspiracy plot, continuing from where the movie left off while also bringing in the dreaded tame collars to boot. And anything that involves Nick and Judy going rogue […]

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Story Updates 22 September 2016

Sorry this post is coming so late in the day.  I had it ready to go this morning, but I ended up having to take a lot of public transportation this afternoon.  Public transportation that doesn’t have wifi.  Huzzah. But […]