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Story Updates- 14 May 2016

Yeah, I don’t know what to write here today.  My brain has just gone bleh.  Have some more chapters to your favorite fanfics. Updated Stories: Smooth Operator by Mordecool1039 Freaking Out by n00btankz No Man’s Land by Codaram Links to […]

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100,000 PAGEVIEWS!

Art by… Andy Lagopus??? Holy Cow!  You are all absolutely amazing, you know that?  We’ve gone from 0 to 100,000 pageviews in only 43 days.  That is astounding!  I never in a thousand years could have predicted this would happen. […]

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Art of the Day #25

Zootopia by DraveningSource [1] Art!   Art is good!   Art is fun!   Art is special!   Art is cool!   Art! -A poem by Andy Lagopus I’ll give a nickel to anyone who can find deeper meaning in […]

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Story- Zootopia: The After

Source [Mystery] [Crime Drama] [Rated K-9] You know, besides The Great Mouse Detective, Zootopia was Disney Animation’s first venture into the Mystery and Crime Drama genres.  Good to see fans doing the same! Author: Sckav Description: With the case of […]

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Story Updates: 12 May 2016

Huzzah!  No more final exams!  Let’s celebrate with some stories! Updates Stories: Fallout: Zootopia by CiderStripes Hopps and Robbers by Redman404 The Bunny Who Knew Too Much by The Crim Links directly to the new chapters after the break! Fallout: […]

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Story: The Campaign

[Drama] [Rated T-13] Who needs Aaron Sorkin when we can have our own political drama?  After all, the movie ended with two mayors getting arrested.  Someone’s gotta step up and fill the power vaccum. Author: Nota999 Description: In the aftermath […]

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Story: The Thin Blue Line

[Suspense] [Drama] [Sad] [Rated M-16] Take the most lighthearted story you can think of.  This is the opposite of that.  This is a very realistic portrayal of what some of the risks involved in Police work are, and is not for […]

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Art of the Day #23

Bunnysitting by TurningTudes Source [1] Protip: if you ever have to babysit several kids at once, Storytelling is a valuable skill to have.  Especially if you can do different accents and dialects for the different characters. Plus it’s fun. Get […]

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Story: Freaking Out

Source [Romance] [Crime Drama] [Rated M-16] Just from the prologue, I have a new appreciation for real-world problems some people have faced in their lives.  If that’s not a mark of an excellent story, I don’t know what is. Author: […]

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Poll Results: Smooth Sailing Ahead!

Non-shippers.  They may think they’re big and strong, but we outnumber them 10 to 1!  Think about it!  90% of the population, united against a common enemy!  We’d be unstoppable. …Wait a second.  That’s Bellwether’s line. Seriously though, we got […]