
Story: The Bill is Due

LoveInLanternlights by gucku [Rating T13] Nick has a passion for flair, especially when it comes to celebrating the anniversary of his and Judy’s first date. After two years of extravagant demonstrations, it might seem like step back when Nick decides […]


Story: Fantastic Foxes of Zootopia: Series 3

Art by Author [Rating T13] The time has come, the crossover of the crossovers is back! We continue with our wild adventure through the story of ‘Fantastic Foxes of Zootopia’. Sly cooper returned and with him the paths of our […]

badge_and_o_possum_cover Ace Attorney

Story: Badge & O’Possum: Ace Attorneys

Art by Quirky-Middle-Child [Rating T13][Mystery][Humor] Hold it! This fic is GUILTY -of being one pawsome and crazy crossover. Zootopia and Ace Attorney, two IPs as far apart as you can get, right? Well OBJECTION, Berserker and JackofMinds do an amazing […]

Sewing Roots cover

Story: Sewing Roots

Drawn by Author [Rating T13][Slice of Life][Romance] Zootopia! The big city! Full of high paced action, the favourite OCs, all the big and the bold and… -You know what? Sometimes, you just want something different. Something slower and gentler. Something […]

Angel Mine Cover

Story: Angel Mine

Art by Motsuko 8 [Rating T13]Humor/Angst Christmans It´s still enough time left to save another soul before Christmas. Nick Wilde is walking on a dangerous shadow path and it´s up to our bunny angel trainee to run an intervention for […]

A Better Place new cover
Fanfic Updates

Story: A Better Place

Art by Skyvixie [Rating T13][Family][Drama] Here’s a new story on the scene that shows Nick and Judy’s relationship develop, that shows them make friends, that shows them look into complex cases and doing their best. An interesting slice of life […]

Grief Reunion cover

Story: Reconciliation: Grief’s Reunion (Revised)

Art by Giftheck [Teen][Angst][Drama] A world where Judy and Nick break apart and live seperate lives with different families for many years before reconciling in the face of a tragedy. Sounds familiar to you? Correct, “Grief´s Reunion” is back! After […]

Safety in your whiskers

Story: Safety in Your Whiskers

Art by MaryMewt [Teen][Romance][Humour] A classic hustle follows a time-honed recipe. Fennec fakes emotional distress. Fennec gets otter to take sympathy. Fennec wings a free meal from otter! Fennec then thinks he has feelings for Ott… -Wait, that’s not how […]

Someone special in Zootopia cover
Fanfic Updates

Fanfic: Someone special in Zootopia

Art by Author [Rating T13][Friendship][Drama] Nick and Judy have a new case but they soon find something no one in Zootopia has ever seen before. Voleitor shows us an interesting format of a selfmade crossover with unique characters as well […]

Badges and beloved

Story: ZPD: Badges & Beloved

Art by the Author [Teen][Drama][Fluff] The ZPD. Zootopia Partnering up division? Well, certainly seems like it in this story. Clawhauser will be working overtime at the ZPD betting pool, as Abendfalki gives us fluffy ships after fluffy ships. Mega fluff […]

First in last out cover

Story: First in, Last out.

Art by the Author [Teen][Drama][Police] ZPD, heroes of the city, always ready to charge into the worst situation against all odds and save the day. Happily ever after… -right? This is this what Boney, in his sequel to Ready or […]

Kitsunegari rewritten cover

Kitsunegari: Rewritten

Art by Aar0njay [Rating T13][DOES NOT COMPUTE][ERR…..] What is art? What is story? What is our perception of reality, and the lines of power drawn in the sand. A long time ago we featured Kitsunegari, a fic that put us […]


Story: BOOtopia

Art by the author [T-13][Horror][Mystery] All Hallows Eve is upon us, and with it one mega scary tale to REALLY get you in the mood. Nick decides to do a bit of spooky urban exploration in a place with a […]

Just One Bite Cover

Story: Just One Bite

Art by Rose Anon [Teen+][Humour][Hurt/Comfort] All Hallows Eve shall soon be among us, and here at ZNN we’re celebrating with a SpOooKy WeeKeNd leading up to the big night. Three fics to fancy those looking for a good fright, and […]

Fireflies cover new

Story: Fireflies

Art by AaronJay [Rating T+][Humour][Mystery] “I hope everyone is wearing some hiking shoes because we´re about to walk right into Fireflies, the last part of Bluelighthouse´s Firewatch series. Huge forests, large waterfalls and crystal blue lakes, welcome to Zootopia´s largest […]

Perfect Girlfriend cover

Story: Perfect Girlfriend

[Rating T+][Romance][Hurt/Comfort] “When it comes to special occasions, there’s no guarantee that everything will go swimmingly. Judy finds this out the hard way in this little bit of sweetness and light. -Metro” Author: Chili Wolfie Description : “Judy invites Nick […]

Hall monitors

Story: Hall Monitors

[Rating T+][Humour][Parody] “Day in day out, a group of brave students protect the corridors of the West Savannah Middle School. Whether it´s speeding on the hall way or dealing various sugar products, the hall monitors of the rule enforcement are […]

Social Lubrication

Story: Social Lubricant

Art by Jaff96 [Rating T13][Drama][Friendship] Stop me if you’ve heard this one. A fox and a bunny walk into a bar… And a bit of fluff ensues. Don’t let the fluidy title fool you; this fic is just the thing […]

New Instincts

Story: New Instincts

Art by Ruffu [Rating 13+][Action/Adventure][Mystery] So here’s a really well written sequel to all of our favorite movie! We’ve got drug busts, and political fights, and scandals, and romance. And it’s all extremely well written on top of it all! […]