
Story: Grief’s Reunion

Art by: Ziegelzeig [Rating T13][Hurt/Comfort][Family][Complete] A stark imagining of a world where Judy and Nick break apart and live separate lives with different families for many years before reconciling in the face of tragedy — and how they reconnect as […]


Art of the Day #121

Zootopia Disloyal Dude meme by KendallCollins Source [1] What would the internet be without memes?  Boring.  That’s what it’d be.  Speaking of memes, we have been told by the artist of the picture above that it’s totally cool to edit […]


Story: Continuous Thunder

Art by: Sanji Seo [Rating T13][Crime][Mystery][Drama] YFWE does it again with this nail-biting, suspenseful thriller! Originally written for last year’s NaZoWriMo challenge, this story follows Nick and Judy in an engrossing mystery that could have significant repercussions for both them […]


Story: The Short List

Art by: Faffy [Rating T13][Mystery][Crime][Friendship] Our two partners are ensnared in a dangerous new case that will have ramifications for the entire city of Zootopia in this spellbinding work by BookerOfWit. In the aftermath of an arson attempt on a […]


Story: A Thing or Two About Being a Jerk

Art by: Unichrome-uni [Rating K9][Hurt/Comfort][Redemption][Forgiveness][One-Shot] Gideon Grey seeks amends for his malicious deeds as a kit in this brief tale of redemption and reconciliation. Gideon is endearingly written as a foil to his younger self, a mild-mannered, beginner entrepreneur who […]


Story: Zootopia Au: Predation

Art by: LtSpectre [Rating T13][Drama][Crime] An AU story that incorporates multiple plots and concepts from the original Zootopia script while also going its own way, “Predation” is a thrilling and captivating read for fans of dystopian societies and those who […]

Fanfic Updates

Story Updates September 5 2017

Woah, this cover art is AWESOME! Art by zl0tty and funkology Hello all you mammals! Your friendly neighborhood otter is back with more stories from some amazing authors! We got updates from Euphonemes, Crewefox, Ayziks, radredknuxfan, and CDNCrow, so hop […]


Story: Foreigner

Art by: Paranon [Rating T13][Romance][Slice of Life] While we saw so little of the many different police officers in the movie, that didn’t stop us authors from delving into their pasts and creating stories for them! Foreigner gives us a […]