Story Updates: May 2, 2020


Heya folks! Sorry for missing you all last weekend, it seems like this whole quarantine business is making even me go stir-crazy. Nevertheless, the big plus for this weekend is that we’re treating you with an extra big batch of updates to share today.

There’s quite a few here that we haven’t seen updated in a good while, but we’re excited all the same to include them once again in our update posts. In addition, there’s a couple that are extremely close to wrapping up, so we’ll be giving them a special shoutout in a future update post once those stories are all said and done. Be on the lookout for them, and catch up with them if you haven’t yet!

That’s our coverage of story updates over the past couple of weeks, so I hope everyone has a safe and productive Saturday. Take care!

Updated Stories:
Year of Discovery by ADeadMissionary
Hungry Hearts by Johnsoneer
Skyebound by TheUnaccomplishedWriter
Side Stories by eng050599, stevegallacci
Born to Be Drabbles by Berserker88, JackofMinds
{Of Clocks and Calendars} by Jericho Pryce
Buried by FreewayofFlight
When Instinct Falls by upplet
Engine Trouble by Discord1
It Can’t Be Helped by InHerOwnWorld
Sandcastles by Tinbuzzard11
The Fantastic Foxes of Zootopia: Series 1 by J Shute Norway
A Ray of Hope by Camoss


Year of Discovery by ADeadMissionary


Hungry Hearts by Johnsoneer


Skyebound by TheUnaccomplishedWriter


Side Stories by eng050599, stevegallacci


Born to Be Drabbles by Berserker88, JackofMinds


{Of Clocks and Calendars} by Jericho Pryce


Buried by FreewayofFlight


When Instinct Falls by upplet


Engine Trouble by Discord1


It Can’t Be Helped by InHerOwnWorld


Sandcastles by Tinbuzzard11


The Fantastic Foxes of Zootopia: Series 1 by J Shute Norway


A Ray of Hope by Camoss