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Art of the Day #35

    【C90】夏コミ受かりました。ズットピログまとめ【J01b】 by 犬耳もえ太 Source [1] You guys are awesome.  Just wanted to say that.  Have a great morning/afternoon/evening/night, whichever is appropriate for where you are in the world! Get your art after the break! 相棒 by まいける Source [2] […]

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Art of the Day #34 – Summertime!

Have an amazing summer by Byron Howard Source [1] Summertime has officially begun!  Time to hit the pool! My high school days may or may not have been DRAMATICALLY impacted by the High School Musical series.  Mostly positively, thank goodness. […]

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Art of the Day #33

[Title Unknown] by ♻️SHINO_4444 Source [1] So, I just did a little bit of multiplying, and I made a fascinating discovery! Currently, ZNN has a folder where we store all the high-quality fanart we can find.  Right now, it’s holding […]

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Art of the Day #31

ズートピア by ネモト ユウマ Source [1] We’re back!  It’s been a while since we’ve had an Art of the Day post, hasn’t it?  So sorry about that.  The process used to take hours to do, and I was just finding […]

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Comic: Focus (Original by Ahiru)

Don’t you hate it when you try taking a picture of someone, but your camera just refuses to cooperate?  Especially when you’re trying to take a picture of something really small or far away, and it ends up grainy?  Nick […]

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Comic: The Wall (by MisterMead)

What was Nick doing between the press conference and the bridge scene?  After all, there were a good couple of months in-universe between those scenes taking place.  The bridge scene suggests that he had done some serious soul-searching and contemplation […]