
Zootopia is the #21 Best movie of all time!

Source Hooray!  Zootopia’s regained it’s 99{fc17e15ed6c8f701884a899a735d4ed94fc8cfa66fc2f404dd33f42f9afeb7a1} rating on RottenTomatoes, and is currently sitting right under the cinematic masterpiece The Adventures of Robin Hood!  Check it out here! And in other awesome news, Zootopia has cleared the $800 Million mark internationally, […]


Imagining Zootopia- Awkward…

Source So, this is a little awkward.  In my excitement, I didn’t notice that the Documentary “Imagining Zootopia” doesn’t officially release until tomorrow at 8 PM, not today.  Oops! Well, either way, get excited, because it’s a really awesome documentary that […]



Rich Moore, the Director of Zootopia, just tweeted something amazing!  Check it out below the break, along with our professional opinion on what this means for the future of both Disney and the fandom as a whole! Happy April Fool’s Day!