Story Zodates: March 2024: Ever Evergreen and more

Looks like we all made it through yesterday’s April pranks.
Since we don’t have to be on our tip toes now to not get pranked, we can lean back again and return to reading some stories.

As for today we present you various story updates like the new chapters of ‘Evergreen’, ‘Fantastic Foxes of Zootopia’, ‘A Better Place’, ‘The Long Game’ and ‘Story of Clocks and Calendars’.

Updated Stories:
Evergreen by Aninat131
Fantastic Foxes of Zootopia by J_Shute
A Better Place by Soulfire72
The Long Game by Mikey2084
Story of Clocks and Calendars by Jericho_Pryce
The Fire Triangle Part II: Oxidizer by Merc_Marten

New chapters after the break!

Evergreen by Aninat131


Fantastic Foxes of Zootopia: Series 3 by J_Shute


A Better Place by Souldire72
The Long Game by Mikey2084
Story of Clocks and Calendars by Jericho_Pryce
The Fire Triangle: Part II – Oxidizer by Merc_Marten

1 Comment

  1. I’m not sure if my first comment was sent successfully or not, but I wanted to let you know that I attempted to submit some fan art for consideration for being featured in an ‘Art of the Day’ post to [email protected], but I was greeted with a message stating that my email could not be sent successfully because a site called Basecamp did not recognize my email address. In the first comment I tried sending here, I included links to my Deviantart page where I posted my art pieces. Are there any alternate ways I could send my art submissions? I would really like to try everything to share my work with this site.
    #zootopia #znn

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