Alps Sarsis, author of Guardian Blue, has passed away

Profile Picture by Alps_Sarsis

Hello everyone.

It is with a heavy heart that we have to announce that Alps Sarsis has passed away at the age of 46. I wish we didn’t need to write an obituary, but it is unlikely that an official newspaper will cover this aspect of his life, so it falls to us to tell this part of his story.

Alps is best known for his long-running fanfic series, Guardian Blue, which is widely considered to be one of the best stories this fandom has produced. That is no exaggeration. To quote some members of the ZNN team:

“…It’s my favorite [Zootopia] fic by a wide margin. And not just [because] it’s WildeHopps. It’s easy to read, the characterization is pretty much perfect, and it is powerfully moving.” – Kora Cottontail

“As a writer and artist, there’s no plainer way I can put it than to say Alps fanfics were inspirational and a joy to read. So many elements of Guardian Blue and its related side-fics felt like walking into a garden of amazing ideas that both delighted and gave pause for one to reflect on their own creative endeavours. Amazing characters brought to life, whole scenes painted with simply words and oh so many feels bombs as you called them. I cannot thank you enough my fellow creative for the gift of your works you gave us all over the years. ” – Tonakuma

His wife, Ithunna, had this to say:

With a shattered heart, we are devastated to announce that Alps Sarsis  passed away in his sleep on July 20th. His last day was one off of work (for once), spent chatting with friends including one of his oldest and most beloved ones, and then goofing around. Alps’ last conversation with his beloved wife, Ithunna, was happy and full of laughs. Their last words were “I love you.” Alps went to sleep happy and now slumbers eternally.

This is a shock to us all. Yes, unfortunately it is real.

Alps was an incredible husband, cherished father to Pup, son-in-law, brother, uncle, and friend to so many. He positively affected those around him. Alps was a loving soul who brought so many of us together. Please focus on the smiles that he brought to your life. He was an amazing world creator, writer, artist, and story teller. Alps knew so much about just about everything. Know that when insanity or butterflies are around, so is Alps. He will be with us always.

During this very difficult time, we ask for privacy as we navigate this new norm. In the coming days we will figure out next steps, including a way for people to come together for a virtual memorial.

In closing, we want to share something Pup said as we talked of Alps. Pup learned that Alps was supposed to be a best man at a wedding but declined because Pup was due around that time. Fun fact, the wedding and Pup’s birth ended up being the same day.

Here is what Pup said a short time later: ‘He may not have been the best man at the wedding, but he was the best man for our world.’”

We second her request for privacy, and join her in mourning. We will do whatever we can to assist with the mentioned memorial. We will share any news regarding that as it comes.

One of his best friends and longtime beta reader for Guardian Blue, J. N. Squire, said this:

Alps and I first met in 2016, at the very beginning of a Zootopia chat group on Telegram, not long after the release of Zootopia. About a year later, I began to suggest ideas for his fanfic, then to offer to beta read Guardian Blue… the rest is history!

We came up with a lot of silly ideas for fun, some even making it into their stories, such as Judy Hopps and Nick Wilde going “undercover” in Season 2 (remember that one?), while remembering it should keeps to feel like an actual sequel of Zootopia. I remember that, one day, he even surprised me one by revealing he had created a character borrowing some of my traits!

While we are all devastated about his passing, it’s important to not forget that Alps used Zootopia and his survival experience to create an unique story. One where fluffy rabbit and foxes joined their forces to actively make the society around them a better, happier place to live in.

The current season of Guardian Blue was all about taking care of your mental health. The best way to honor Alps Saris’ memory is to do so. Please live your life, and live it well.

[Note: This has nothing to do with the cause of death, which is still unknown. As his wife said, he died in his sleep, having had a wonderful final day. Please be respectful and refrain from speculation.]

If you would like to read Guardian Blue, you may do so over on Archive of our Own. The series is comprised of multiple “seasons”, as well as some short stories that fit in between. At over 650,000 words, it is recommended to read it in this order:

Thanks for the Fox (Prequel to Guardian Blue)

Who Writes This?!

Guardian Blue: Season 1

Guardian Blue: Season 2

Fall Festival

The Duke of Absolution

Winter Hearth

Guardian Blue: Season 3 (Incomplete)

Sheepless in New Reynard

Radio Fin (Incomplete)



  1. Absolutely devastated. Alps was not only an incredible talented individual but a kind and helpful one as well. It’s a huge loss for all those who knew him and my thoughts are with his family at this awful time. He will be deeply missed.

  2. i just talked to him a few weeks ago im just in shock and falling apart over and over again he was in the middle of so much

  3. He was my master. He was a pillar of support and joy in my life, and I knew him for more than half of it, as far back as 2009. He was among the first friends I made, and one of the longest and oldest at the time of his death. He will never be forgotten, and his impact on the lives of those around him is immeasurable.

  4. I never knew this chap but it’s a sad time nonetheless. May his spirit rest in the great Zootopia city in the heavens

  5. That sucks so much. I never spoke to him, but loved his work, always felt there was so much love in it. I’m truly greatful for his work, and im glad he had people that loved him so. Hope his family are ok.

  6. That’s too bad. I never knew the man, but loved his stories.

    Is there a way to donate towards final expenses?

  7. Guardian Blue is one of the gold standards for fanfics in this fandom, and I am incredibly sad to hear of Alps’ passing.

    The GB universe is of incredible quality, and I was blessed to have had a conversation with him once, where he told me he had ideas up to season 5. Sadly, we may never know what those ideas were, but we should all be thankful that Alps graced us with his abilities and writings, even if for such a brief moment in time

    My thoughts and prayers are for his loved ones.

  8. I’m at a loss for words, his creative works are some of my favourites of all time. May he rest in peace.

  9. Someone needs to go and block anonymous commenting.

    MAGAts are starting to infest the comments of his stories. There’s already one in the comments for chapter 6 of Thanks For The Fox.

  10. My thoughts are with his family, his story touch many lives and at times lighten dark time for me and most likely many others

    May the road rise to meet you. May the wind be always at your back. May the sunshine warm upon your face. May the rains fall upon your fields. And until we meet again, May God hold you in the hollow of His hand.

  11. Alps and I had met once in person, as we both lived in the Atlanta area. I had been inspired by GB, and it had gotten me through a dark time in my life back in 2017. We started chatting on and off, and I had started to write my own small spinoff of GB called “Shrew Value”, taking place in Bunnyburrow alongside his own story, following Samantha Hopps and her new fox friend, Michael Russettail.

    I had let the story get sidelined, mostly due to lack of time to work on it. Now with Alps passing, I feel the need to renew the writing, if just to keep that tiny bit of the GB legacy alive.

  12. What will happen to Guardian Blue?

    Will it be deleted, or will it stay and be read by everyone?

    • There’s no reason for a fic to be deleted when the author passes away. It will remain as it is, available for all to read.

  13. An absolutely incredible writer.

    While I only knew of him through his fics, they are among my favorite stories; the world-building and depth of believability given to each character was outstanding.

    My deepest condolences to his family and friends.

  14. I never know personally Alps Sarsis, but he writed one of the greates Zootopia fanfic. He cared every caracter, they got more person, the what i can imagine. And the culture in fanfic, simple, butlovelly. I think he was a playfull, nice person, who can see the beatifull in the world.
    Alps. find the peace you Guardian in the light!

  15. And Also I hope he can be the greatest person in the whole world and may god be with him And we pray for him so he can Rest In Peace we will miss you alps hope we can see you again

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