Try Everything performed by a full A Capella Choir!

Try Everything by iJayDeath by iJayDeath

Ever wanted to hear Try Everything performed by an entire A Capella Choir?

Well, even if you didn’t, that’s what we have for you today.  Deal with it.

The A Capella group Touch of Class did a wonderful cover of our favorite antlered pop star’s hit song at the NACC competition.  Don’t ask me what NACC stands for,  Apparently that is the National A Capella Convention, so it’s a pretty big event!  (thanks to yoshimon1 for pointing that out)

Excellent work bringing a “Touch of Class” to a pop song.  Check it out after the break!


  1. Fantastic! With a sibling formerly in chorale, I've developed an appreciation for the difficulty of just singing, let alone making all the background music with your voice…

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