Story Updates: August 2024: Different Old Barkeeps Eulogy The Fire Fantastic Better Game

Welcome back Zootopians!

A new month comes to an end and with it we get a whole new crop of fics. Both regular updaters AND newly returned friends. Some of those have been inspired by the Zoot 2 reveal, but others are just welcome updates. Most of all is Different Tails returning, with a little new oneshot in fandom legend VariableMammals’ epic drabbles series.

But there is far more than that. Feel free to enjoy!

Updated Stories:
Different Tails by VariableMammals
Old Habits by Sondreadful
Barkeeps by Bluelighthouse
A Eulogy for Those Still Here by Cr1ms0nD1am0nd
The Fire Triangle: Part II – Oxidizer by Merc_Marten
Fantastic Foxes of Zootopia: Series 3 by J_Shute
A Better Place by Soulfire72
The Long Game by Mikey2084

New chapters after the break!

Different Tails by VariableMammals


Old Habits by Sondreadful


Barkeeps by Bluelighthouse


A Eulogy for Those Still Here by Cr1ms0nD1am0nd


The Fire Triangle: Part II – Oxidizer by Merc_Marten


Fantastic Foxes of Zootopia: Series 3 by J_Shute


A Better Place by Soulfire72


The Long Game by Mikey2084

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