Video/Editorial: Why ‘Zootopia’ is One of the GREATEST Disney Movies of ALL TIME (Character Analysis) (By StickyBrickBuilder)


Movies, television, and literature, as much as they all differ, they all serve as a means to tell a story. And while each person has their own preference, each has managed to stand the test of time. W

But at the end of the day, a story is only as good as the characters and world that exist in it. Zotoopia is no exception to this rule, and it’s made for a great story given its main characters remain among some of the most popular among the Disney roster despite not being around very long.

This very topic is covered in a video by Stickbrickbuilder who has some great insights into what makes Judy and Nick such great characters. Watch the video below or over on YouTube and let us know what you think. Maybe it will even cover some points you haven’t considered before.


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