Story: Found



By: Elite Shade

It’s not every day we get to feature a fanfic OF a fanfic! That’s somewhat of the gist of Found, which continues the story of WastedTimeEE’s superb The Rehabilitation of Dawn Bellwether and A Lamb Among Wolves, except this time the baton is passed to Elite Shade. Fans of the original two fics will have no problem diving into Found, which treats its characters with a profound delicacy, including its newly introduced OCs. Anyone looking for more reading on former Assistant Mayor Bellwether in more of a slice-of-life-esque scenario need look no further. ~YFWE

Description: Inspired by the stories The Rehabilitation of Dawn Bellwether and A Lamb Among Wolves by the wonderful WastedTimeEE. Five years after the events of ALAW, Dawn and Vernon have begun looking into adoption, to come across a trio of children in need of a loving home.


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Additional tags: fanfic of a fanfic? what’ll they think of next?!