Comic Dub: Apologies (dub by Mickelpickel and CasVoiceActs)

MickelPickel and CasVoiceActs are back at it again!  I, for one, welcome Scottish Skye into the fandom’s collective headcanon.  Think we can make that a thing?  I think we can make it a thing.

Based on this comic by TGGeko and Toga, there’s no denying that the interpretation of Jack as simultaneous badass and dork is one of the best.  Especially when it’s got some excellent voice work and sound editing put to it!  (I was going to play the wolves, but due to audio problems that ended up not happening.  Oh well, it turned out fantastic all the same!)

Check it out for yourself after the break, and be sure to give both Mickel and Cas some love by subscribing to them on Youtube!

1 Comment

  1. Skye having a Scottish background at least not only works great, but is actually quite believable both species-wise and wit ha lot of the mannerisms writers have given her. Plus such an idea works so very well with the version I use in my writings; I support the notion!
    Also, Jack absolutely has to be both awesome and dorky.

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