Story Updates, 3 October 2017

Gooooood morning ladies and gentlemammals!  I hope you’re all having a magnificent day so far!   I am in a very good mood right now, partially due to a piece of news that we’ll be covering in just a few hours, and partially because we’ve got more awesome stories to read!  No lie, I’ve been losing sleep over fanficiton recently.   It’s a bad habit, but I just can’t put them down!  They’re too good!

Updated Stories:
Birth of Angel by TheWaywardKid
In Our Dreams by DancingLunarWolves
Scilenced By The Lamb by George James Valtom
Different Tails by VariableMammal
Contrasts by Tarienn
Zootopia: In the Days that Followed / Waters of Atlantea by Ayziks
Take A Stand: Star of Ceartais by Crewefox
…And All That Jazz by WANMWAD

New chapters after the break!

Birth of Angel by TheWaywardKid

In Our Dreams by DancingLunarWolves

Scilenced By The Lamb by George James Valtom

Different Tails by VariableMammal

Contrasts by Tarienn

Zootopia: In the Days that Followed / Waters of Atlantea by Ayziks

Take A Stand: Star of Ceartais by Crewefox

…And All That Jazz by WANMWAD


    • Not to accidentally come across as salty (especially since my story is among those listed here, so it would be easy to assume that's what I'm being), but… Your question/opinion honestly confuses me, and it's hardly the first time I've seen this sentiment expressed by people either. I mean, you might as well be asking the question "Why is the Zootopia fandom still making content?"
      Well… because we're having fun?

      I mean, to imply that some people SHOULDN'T be making new content for the fandom is pretty much shooting the fandom in the foot, dont'cha think? Even if what you really meant to say was that they should be making DIFFERENT content, content creators are only going to make what they feel like making. Why discourage them from making content that others are enjoying simply because you yourself don't enjoy it?

      At the end of the day we're all here to relax, have fun, and hang out. The moment we allow ourselves to get too serious about it is the moment the fandom starts to fall apart. So, heck: Maybe some of these aren't up to your liking. (Perhaps mine is even one of them!) Oh well. That's too bad. But… I'd rather have a large selection – some of which I like and some of which I don't – than to have NO selection because people stopped wanting to make things for the fandom. Wouldn't you?
      TL;DR – Just have fun! 🙂

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