It’s finally time!
The annual Disney Expo, D23, is here, and with it comes tons of news about Zootopia 2. Rest assured, we will be covering everything as it comes out, and updating articles as new information comes out.

Kicking things off, we of course have a first look at the logo for the movie. Interestingly, if you look closely, the bottom of the number 2 appears to have scales, and be forming the tail of a reptile of some kind. But of course Zootopia isn’t complete without a plethora of punny brands. Jackhamster Construction and Remodeling and Rodentist – Dr. Mousley Gouda, D.D.S Family and Cosmetic Dentistry join the ever-expanding economy of Zootopia.

We have a first look at a new district! Marsh Market, the Jewel of Zootopia, featuring our first walrus! There are lots of logos here too, but the important piece is behind the sign.

Nick and Judy, rocking new outfits! Judy looks great in a purple jacket and jeans, and Nick manages to make even that shirt and tie look good. Interestingly, this getup for nick was seen previously in concept art.

We also have another angle on the standee, with a better look at this walrus plumber.

But what’s this? Hidden in the background, behind the watermark?
[Update: Huge thanks to JayDisneyD23 for getting a better picture!]
Yes indeed folks, we have ourselves a snake! And as I was writing this post, this new image surfaced!
Snakes, Seals, Dancing bears, Zootenial, a walrus, TUSK, Bugaburger, and a bright pink hot rod… there is SO MUCH to unpack from this image! We will confirm its validity, but if it’s legit, this is HUGE. [UPDATE: Confirmed- this is the lithograph that people get when they get their photos taken with the statues]
[Update 2: This lithograph is confirmed to have been made by Cory Loftis! I knew I recognized his style!]

We will be keeping you posted on the news as the day progresses, folks. Stay tuned!
Oh My God Reptiles in Zootopia 2 Amazing
BTW: I also took a closer look, I saw Chameleons, New Species of Cats, and a Anteater
and Finnick is Pretending to be a Baby Bunny (Left of the Dancing Bear)
and Finnick is Pretending to be a Baby Bunny (Left of the Dancing Bear)
Sorry Posted Twice
Just one thing, producers, please: don’t fall on the old trope of making snakes the bad guys…