Story: Guardian Blue: Fall Festival


[Humor][One-Shot][Part of a Series][T-13][Complete]

By: Alps_Sarsis

Ya like Guardian Blue, do ya? Good, because we’ve got more for you: this time a one-shot from the universe that covers an exalted tradition in Zootopia lore: the city’s fall festival. And Benjamin Clawhauser, that lovable scamp, he’s not so sure he’ll get to enjoy the festival this year, thanks to a last-minute assignment from Chief Bogo. But worry not; you’ll have no problem enjoying the festival and all that goes with it, thanks to Alps_Sarsis’ dependably entertaining writing, from witty dialogue to amusing circumstances. Look, there are scary stories involved, too. What more do you need to know? ~YFWE

Description: Benjamin Clawhauser is eager to attend the annual ZPD Fall Festival Holiday Party. There’s treats! There’s fun costumes! All his friends will be there! However, when Nick and Judy have a challenge for their portly cheetah pal, will he be able to endure and win the prize?

Guardian Blue: Fall Festival

FFnet link

Additional tags: few one-shots have a better ending than this one