Zootropolis Was CHANGED By This One Scene…(By DazzReviews)


The stage is set, a large platform among an even larger audience. The lights above shining at the center of attention, a single speaker takes the podium to address the public. Does this sound familiar to you? Probably, given that it’s the scene where Judy is speaking to the press about what happened to the missing predators.

Of course, we all remember how that played out. That scene ended up presenting an all too real issue in society and one which the movie takes very seriously: bias. Needless to say, this scene proved to be a very pivotal moment. A recent editorial video by DazzReviews takes a look at this scene in great detail, looking at how it affects the tone and themes of the movie. It has some very unique and insightful looks into the issue and is definitely worth a view. Check the video out below and perhaps even weigh in yourself on what you think of his arguments.