Art/Animation: A Behind-The-Scenes Look at Elephant Yoga (By Hyrum Osmond)


Breathe in…and out. All together now…relax and let it all go. Now envision yourself in a peaceful garden, surrounded by animals of every species, some big and others small. Some scurry around looking for food while others go about their business. We all know that animals need to relax just as much as humans did, and even practice yoga like the Naturalist Club of Zootopia. An experience Judy didn’t find very relaxing, but hey, I guess it’s not for everyone.

Were you ever curious about how that scene was animated? Well good news, Hyrum Osmond was happy to provide some behind-the-scene details on just how it was done. It gives us just a little more colour and background to a hilariously memorable scene from the film. Check the post out below and let us know if brings you some zen.