Comic: Sign Language (Original by Bibio)

What DO all of Nick’s vague hand signals and gestures mean?  I mean, whatever plan he had back at Cliffside, it all fell apart when he forgot that he was standing upwind of the wolves.  So how effective is this method of communication?

Apparently it’s effective enough for Judy, so I guess that’s all that matters!

Thanks to Bibio for making the original comic, and thanks to LMAbacus for translating it for us. You can find the original on twitter and, as usual, read from right to left and get your translated comic after the break!


  1. I know some sign language, and the two are using some type of gesture sign language. It's really strange, but I know Nick wants to go eat something, but that's all I know. Judy's language is unintelligible.

  2. I know some sign language, and the two are using some type of gesture sign language. It's really strange, but I know Nick wants to go eat something, but that's all I know. Judy's language is unintelligible.

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