D23 Entertainment Showcase – Jared Bush’s Q&A Panel on Zootopia 2!


Hello again everyone, hope you’ve been having a good weekend so far. I certainly have, and I imagine that’s the case for many others in the fandom as well given all the details we’ve been getting on Zootopia 2 from the D23 Entertainment Showcase this week. Our last post covered ZNN’s exclusive interview with Jared Bush and as promised, here’s the follow-up video covering Jared Bush’s Q&A panel where he meets with the fans and answers the questions they’ve been dieing to ask for the last eight years regarding this much-anticipated sequel.

You can check out the whole Q&A in the link below or over on YouTube. While Jaraed probably won’t be providing all the answers we’ve been looking for, the Q&A still goes a long way toward giving a better idea of what’s to be expected when we finally head back to Zootopia again in 2025. Besides, it’s not like we actually want Jared revealing too much this early in the game, that’d ruin half the fun.

I’d also like to give thanks to kaijuking for all their hard work reporting for us at the D23 Showcase, we wouldn’t have nearly as much to show off and report on if it wasn’t for them. Anyway, that’s all we have for now. We’ll be sure to report on any more developments regarding Zootopia 2 as they develop. Until then, be sure to keep on keeping on!

1 Comment

  1. I’ve watched the entire Q&A video, and it was definitely worth it. Jared Bush provided some intriguing answers and hints about what’s coming in Zootopia 2. Even though he kept some details under wraps, the panel was packed with exciting clues and fan engagement.

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